Town of Chapel Hill Bond Referendum Approved, including $15M for Affordable Housing

Chapel Hill voters approved a municipal bond referendum on November 5, 2024, with support from 73% of voters. The bonds will allow the Town to borrow up to $44 million in general obligation bonds, including $15 million for affordable housing. General obligation bonds are one of the most cost-effective ways for cities and towns to make major infrastructure investments.

"Chapel Hill residents have overwhelmingly reaffirmed their support for affordable housing by approving the recent affordable housing bond.  Our team is ready to move forward quickly to put the bond funding to good use addressing the many needs for more affordable housing in the community,” says Sarah Vinas, Director of Affordable Housing and Community Connections.   

The $15 million for affordable housing will support implementation of the Town’s Affordable Housing Plan & Investment Strategy that Council adopted in September 2023. That plan makes recommendations for the Town’s affordable housing work over the next five years, which it estimates will require $50 million to implement.  Full implementation of the Plan is estimated to support the development of as many as 900 new affordable homes and the preservation of as many as 400.

In spring 2024, Council discussed potential projects that the 2024 bond could support. The affordable housing funds could support several Town-initiated development and preservation projects on Town-owned land as well as partner projects.

In addition to the $15 million for affordable housing, the referendum includes the following bond orders and other potential projects:

·       $15 million for public facilities$7.5 million for streets and sidewalks  $4.5 million for parks and recreation

·       $2 million for greenwaysTown staff are currently designing the allocation process for the 2024 affordable housing bond. For more information, see the 2024 Town Bond Referendum webpage.