The Town of Chapel Hill is accepting applications to create affordable housing opportunities in the community through noon Friday, August 30, 2019.
Awards will be made from the Town’s Affordable Housing Development Reserve (AHDR), established by the Town Council in March 2015. Since it’s creation, the Town has supported the development of 286 units of affordable housing with funding from the AHDR.
The total funding available this fiscal year in the Affordable Housing Development Reserve is $688,395.
The Town of Chapel Hill will accept applications for the following priority project areas:
1. land bank and land acquisition
2. rental subsidy and development
3. homeownership development and assistance
4. future development planning
The Town’s Housing Advisory Board will evaluate applications and present a funding recommendation to the Town Council for final approval in September 2019. There will be up to two additional funding cycle this fiscal year (July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020).
New this year, the Town is rolling out a streamlined application for all local affordable housing funding sources, including the AHDR. To access the application and learn more, visit: